What Is the Significance of Act One Scene Seven in Macbeth

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What is the importance and significance of Macbeth’s Soliloquy in Act One Scene Seven?
Macbeth’s Soliloquy in Act One Scene Seven is a highly important and significant aspect of the play; Macbeth contemplates the deed that he is about to perform, he is aware of his reasons behind his intentions to murder the King, however the consequences of this act continue to give him uncertainty. These thoughts are quickly dismissed by Lady Macbeth who questions his masculinity and makes taunts towards her husbands’ weakness.
Throughout Act One Scene Seven, Macbeth constantly debates the potential side effects that may follow after he murders the King, “this even-handed justice commends the ingredients of our poisoned chalice to our own lips” this suggests that all crimes face punishments and that by committing this murder, eventually there will be consequences to pay. This forebodes the death of Macbeth and also Lady Macbeth by suggesting that they will not be able to kill the King and live a normal, guilt free life afterwards.
Lady Macbeth then creates irony as she mocks Macbeth for thinking this way, she refers to him as a ‘coward’ and insists that this murder is necessary. This part of the play is extremely significant as we realise just how harsh Lady Macbeth is and how far she would really go. She removes any maternal characteristics that she may have had by explaining that her lack of pity would extend so far, that she would murder a baby. “Have plucked my nipple from his boneless gums and dashed the brains out”. This takes her femininity away and portrays her as a cold-hearted character who is not only willing to commit murder, but also able to persuade her husband into going against what he believes in. As well as this, the violent imagery in this quote is very shocking and gives a gothic element to Act One Scene Seven. It also shows us how quickly Lady Macbeth

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