What Is Religion

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What Is Religion? Who Decides? "Religion is a communication system that is constituted by supernatural beings and is related to specific patterns of behavior." -H. H. Penner "Religion is man's involvement in the meaning of his existence, and the depth of one's involvement is the depth of his religion." -James L. Christian "Religion is a sense of the sacred." -Sir Julian Huxley "Religion is man's ultimate concern for the ultimate." -Paul Tillich "Religion is a human being's total concern about Man's world." -Arnold Toynbee A quick look into the dictionary will tell us that religion is a specific set of beliefs, which concern purpose, nature, cause and effect, and specific practices. A definition of religion will refer to religion as a fundamental system of beliefs and practices agreed upon by a group of persons. The practice of rituals, which would observe the fundamentals of a person’s faith, devotion, moral code, and complete faith, is another defining aspect of the word religion. Definitions of the term religion, goes on to tell us that it is the belief in, the worship of, or the obedience to a supernatural being, or higher power, which is considered to be divine. Another definition is an institutionalized expression of such belief systems and practices, for example, the Christian religion, the Jewish religion, or the Muslim religion. If we were to ask five religious scholars, what the meaning of religion was, we would get 5 different answers. Religion CAN be a touchy subject for some. What is religion? What is the definition of religion? Who decides what religion is, and what is not? In order to answer these questions, it’s important to understand that no clear answer exists, at least in my opinion. In answering these questions, one must take their own knowledge, combined with others philosophy on religion, and build upon it through learning,
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