What Is Meant by the Term Counselling

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QUESTION 1: UNDERSTAND WHAT IS MEANT BY THE TERM COUNSELLING 1. Define what is meant by the term counselling The Oxford English dictionary defines counselling as follows: Counselling (noun):(coun¦sel|ling) The provision of professional assistance and guidance in resolving personal or psychological problems: bereavement counselling. The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) provide a definition of counselling, which incorporates the following salient points: • The terms counselling and psychotherapy cover a range of talking therapies; • Counselling is delivered by trained practitioners over the short or long term; • Counselling is aimed at bringing about effective change or enhanced wellbeing by helping individuals to deal with whatever ‘difficulties’ they might be experiencing; • Counselling takes place in a private setting; and • That counselling is always at the request of the client. Based on this research, my interpretation of the term counselling is that it is a range of therapies that are proven to help individuals who want to deal with single or multiple issues, either from their past or their present, in a safe and professional environment. 1.2 Explain their own philosophical approach to counselling The Oxford English dictionary defines philosophy (in this context) as follows: Philosophy (noun):(phil|oso¦phy) A theory or attitude that acts as a guiding principle for behaviour: “don’t expect anything and you won’t be disappointed, that’s my philosophy”. Central to Carl Rogers’ humanistic theory is the philosophy that “the client has the answers. The therapist's job is to lead the client toward this self-knowledge”. (Rogers, 1951). Specific assessment techniques and the therapist's opinion are therefore considered unimportant in this approach. In terms of how this

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