What Is Helpful to Life - Intelligence or Hardwork?

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What is helpful for life – intelligence or hardwork? Intelligence is the ability for rapid, sharp, accurate thought processing.It is generally measured using the Intelligence Quotient which we all call IQ in our routine life. Intelligence can be developed by sharp observing, the ability to understand and the ability to recollect. Intelligence generally describes the state of the mind and its understanding abilities. Thinking, reasoning, judgment, discriminating capacity, correlating ability, proper planning are all the factors that come into play when we talk about intelligence. Hard work is not inborn. Hard work can be developed unlike intelligence. Hard work requires lot of patience which needs to be molded and shaped into a form to face the challenges. Hard work on a particular topic with full dedication and focus pertaining to his own fields of interest will surely make him achieve his goals. While coming to academics, both the intelligence and hard work comes into play very often. But, the harder they work, the more likely they will achieve greater academic success. Generally individuals with high Intellegence don't have to try that hard in school to get good or average grades; that is until high school and college. Hard work is something learned through being challenged and if a child is not challenged in their early years of education they will typically slack off in their high school and college years when hard work becomes key to success. The intelligent person doesn't have to work as hard to succeed because they'll use their intelligence to make the right choices & see connections that lead them to successful conclusions. But they do still have to work. An intelligent but lazy person could end up being equal to a less intelligent but hard working person. In general: Hard work + Intelligence = Very good grades. No work + Intelligence =

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