Belonging In Zero Belonging Quotes

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Belonging is a self discovery journey, and throughout the journey there are ideas, perceptions, connotations, attitudes and choices that influence the journey. The short film Zero is an example that portrays this as it conveys about the concept of belonging. Representation through connections created with people notions of identity are shown. The opening of the short film directly shows the alienation of Zero. Ideas of not belonging or not wanting to belong is demonstrated as Zero is excluded from the class, an outsider who has no say. As visual presentation exhibits that he is a black ball of wool, in comparison to the rest of the characters which are cream colored. Color is the main influenza in this scene as the disconnection is brought indifference of Zero’s color. Zero is feeling the sense of insecurity, feeling threatened and unsafe from the dangers of being misunderstood. Each character is designated with a number and Zero, being with the number Zero clearly displays his distinction across the rest of the society. This undergoes belonging by the numerical…show more content…
She was exposed to the whole community and as a couple they challenged the community. The rest of the society were opposed to this but as soon as the child was born, it had an infinity number. In relation to belonging, it involves the examination of their species relationships and their connections to societies. This shows that the characters, places and community affected their perception of belonging, influencing the way they live for approval in order to belong to society. Initially both Zero’s started with a disconnection to belonging, but over time their experiences developed and identity, acceptance and understanding was found. With the miracle of the infinity baby being born, the number was so prominent that the community willingly accepted them as a member in their society, releasing Zero out of
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