What Are The Positive And Negative Effects Of The Industrial Revolution Dbq

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The Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution, which lasted from the 18th through the 19th century, had its positive and negative effects on the world. The many undesirable effects proved to be the reason for the positive results. Many great quantities of advancements and inventions were created during this period of time, which enabled the people to prosper into our current social structure. The Industrial Revolution led to many progressive advancements and inventions. These machines that were invented helped to make work more efficient. In DBQ 12, document 6, says that there were many machines that increased the speed and quantity or the work that was being done such as the Flying Shuttle, and Spinning Jenny. Scientist, who sought out a need of faster and better work, invented these machines. The creation of the machines was the basis of the Industrial Revolution. In DBQ 12, document 5, it states, “The stream of English scientific thought was one of the main tributaries [causes] of the industrial revolution”. The creation of these machines was also made possible because of England’s geography. There was plenty of…show more content…
According to DBQ 13, document 4, it states, “Your houses are better built, your clothes are cheaper, you have an infinite number of domestic utensils. You can travel cheaply from place to place, and not only travel at less expense, but travel ten times faster than two hundred years ago.” Therefore, stating that the advancements in technology and the competition created by the new businesses caused prices to drop and a rise in productivity. Because of the manufactories that were built to sustain the constant creation of the product, many people were hired to make more things at a faster speed. DBQ 12, document 2, states, “People left their occupations and came to spinning for the sake of the high wages.” People left the farming to the factories for more
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