Wgu Aft2 Accreditation Audit Report

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WGU AFT2 RAFT2 (Accreditation Audit) MBA Graduate Programe – All 4 Tasks To Purchase Click The Link Below http://www.hwprofile.com/?p=94 For Any Information Contact Us At WHISPERHILLS@GMAIL.COM AFT2 Accreditation Audit Task 1 1. The purpose of this executive summary is to outline the current status of compliance of the organization for the priority focus area of communication, namely the standard UP.01.01.01 which is named the “Conduct a Pre-procedure Verification Process” as noted by the Joint Commission standards. A.2. The primary area of focus I chose to review was the communication aspect. I feel that communication is vital in any business, especially health care. Clear communication improves…show more content…
(Sentinel event, 2013) A.2. Several people were at the scene when the abduction occurred. These staff was contact and interviewed. During the registrar’s interview, she stated that she met with the patient and her mother and electronically entered her information and then took her insurance card to be photocopied. The registrars responsibility to take all the patients information and enter it into the computer system, which includes the insurance information. It is also the responsibility to review the paperwork and have the patient or the parent to sign the various forms and to deliver them their bill of rights in which every patient receives upon coming into the hospital. There are barriers that may impede effective interaction among the personnel staff. There is a great disconnect Barriers that are available both internally and externally can hinder interactions amongst hospital personnel. Internal barriers are the culture of the hospital itself by supporting and atmosphere where short cuts and work around in order to complete tasks more quickly. The lack of accountability solidifies this internal barrier even more because regardless of what level of care that has been interviewed. I have witnessed in these interviews the phrase “that’s not my job” which is a clear disregard for the Nightingale Community Hospital’s…show more content…
The purpose in this periodic performance review, or PPR, is to establish if Nightingale Community Hospital is prepared for an accreditation audit. There are several standards that are outlined by the Joint Commission that the organization is presently compliant with. The Emergency Department has proven its compliance in regards to their implemented plans on how emergencies are responded to. The Human Resources department has verified compliance by their presentation and their dedication in appropriately training staff and providing continuing education. A.2. Nightingale Community Hospital has numerous standards that failed compliance. For instance, in the standard involving the Environment of Care, the organization failed to prove that it could be a secure and the setting itself was functional. The Life Safety standard was not met due to its inadequate fire safety. The Leadership standard also was not met due to staffing insufficiencies. 3.a. There is a link between the amount of staff and their experience with the kind of care and how safe that care is being provided to patients. The organization has failed to respond to the need for more medical staff which in turn has led to the demise of the conditions of the working
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