Water vs Sports Drinks

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Water has always been a profound beverage to drink when exercise. When given the option of drinking water or sports drinks to consume during physical activities, water should be your main source. Water is the most effective way of achieving proper hydration. Do not let sports drinks fool you, they are not as great as they taste. What really counts is replacing the fluids in your body. Water is the key to rehydrating. Water is known to be natural and it seems there is an invariable amount to go around. Simple faucet filters enable humans to drink purified, natural water from wells, rivers, and practically straight from the ground! Sports drinks are no match for water because they do not hydrate you as well. In order to get your body’s satisfaction from sports drinks, you’d have to drink more just to be equally as replenished to a smaller amount of water. Sports drinks are not worthy opponents to water regarding hydration. Not only is water plentiful, but it is also simple. When dealing with sports drinks, you would have to choose wisely. Sports drinks come in a vibrant abundance of colors and flavors. The choices are endless yet not many people pick the right one. The type of sports drink must be compatible with your exercise. Some sports drinks are healthier and have higher beneficial values while others are higher in sugars and artificial sweeteners like corn syrup. With sports drinks, the freedom of choice is yours. But why risk it when H2O is an alternative? Furthermore, when exercising, replacing fluids is crucial. Unlike sports drinks, purified water is easily absorbed by the body. Water requires no filtration by the body to be absorbed unlike sports drinks in which special ingredients are added in so it is rapidly absorbed, whereas in water it happens naturally. Drinking water efficiently replaces the fluids in your body. During exercise, it is quite

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