War On Coal Research Paper

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James Lee Journal of Technology Law & Policy Article Draft 3 10/20/13 Fighting the Good Fight: Why the So-Called “War on Coal” is Beneficial for Pittsburgh’s Future Coal is found everywhere on earth and has been used as an energy source since ancient civilizations realized its immense potential for heating and industrial uses. In the United States, very few, if any, places have been shaped by coal more than the Pittsburgh region. A town does not earn the moniker “The Steel City” without relying heavily on coal. The impact of coal on Pittsburgh cannot be overstated. Not only did coal rapidly urbanize the area, but also ushered in unprecedented wealth and new technologies to Pittsburgh. But these radical new changes did not come without…show more content…
In Part I, the article will address Pittsburgh’s tumultuous relationship with coal. It will discuss both the effects of coal mining and burning in the region and will address the emerging health concerns associated with coal. This section is meant to give background to the issues, both for and against, the use of coal as an energy source. In the following section, Part II, the article will look at the existing and proposed regulations on coal. It will also discuss the so-called “War on Coal” and President Obama’s strides to more heavily regulate coal and embrace cleaner energy. Part III will discuss the cleaner and renewable energy options for Pittsburgh and how the region can benefit from the Federal Government’s plan to move away from fossil fuels, especially coal. The article will debate on the effects on the Pittsburgh region, and will argue that at first the costs may be high, but the planned sanctions will be advantageous to Pittsburgh. This section will also discuss the forthcoming legal issues facing coal powered plants in the region. The purpose of this article is not to condemn coal or its history with the Pittsburgh area, but rather to advocate a brighter, cleaner future for the region. The hope for the argument furthered in this essay is that Pittsburgh can be a green energy frontrunner in the…show more content…
Id. [ 108 ]. Why Pa Wind, ChosePaWind, http://www.choosepawind.com/why-pa-wind. (last visited on Oct. 29, 2013) (hereinafter ChosePaWind) [ 109 ]. Wind Power: A Lucrative Renewable Energy Source, Duke University, http://sites.duke.edu/windenergy2012/comparison/. (last visited on Oct. 29, 2013). [ 110 ]. Id. [ 111 ]. Mathias A. Maehlum, Wind Energy Pros and Cons, (Jun. 12, 2013), http://energyinformative.org/wind-energy-pros-and-cons/. [ 112 ]. Mark Shwartz, Stanford scientists calculate the energy required to store wind and solar power on the grid, (Sep. 9, 2013), http://news.stanford.edu/news/2013/september/curtail-energy-storage-090913.html. [ 113 ]. ChosePaWind, supra. [ 114 ]. Id. [ 115 ]. Maehlum, supra. [ 116 ]. Id. [ 117 ]. ChosePaWind, supra. [ 118 ]. Tara Lohan, Wind vs. Coal: False Choices in the Battle to Resolve Our Energy Crisis, Alternet, (Feb. 14, 2007),http://www.alternet.org/story/47997/wind_vs._coal%3A_false_choices_in_the_battle_to_resolve_our_energy_crisis. [ 119 ]. Id. [ 120 ]. McGinley at 331. [ 121 ]. Francesca Levy, America's Most Livable Cities, Forbes, (Apr. 29, 2010),

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