Domestic Security Vs Civil Liberties Essay

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Civil liberties vs. Domestic Security Survey of Homeland Security & Emergency Management Professor Denton 02/18/2013 There is a long history of the conflict between civil liberties and domestic security. In 1798 the federalist Congress passed the Alien and Sedition Act that allowed the president to deport any citizen deemed dangerous to the peace and safety of the U.S. which really was an attempt to suppress political criticism of President Adams, his policies, or his government. During the Civil War Abraham Lincoln suspended the Writ of Habeas Corpus eight times and ruled anyone who was guilty of being disloyal was subject to court martial, but in 1886 the Supreme Court declared such action unconstitutional, and in 1917 during…show more content…
The question is how to achieve that balance. Who should get to make those choices for us? Do they really represent citizen’s views and opinions? Or are they one’s own personal beliefs and feelings. It truly is a political process. The problem is that when are talking about our individual protections and those of our nation there should be no politics involved. It should be what works best for the nation at that time and is best for the common good. When people can begin to forget about their own personal ambitions and goals and think about what is best for us all then maybe one day this argument will have some sort of…show more content…
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