War Against The Black Panthers Summary

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This dissertation is on Chapter 4 Response of The Government to The Black Panther Party, War against the Panthers: A Study of Repression in America University of California, Santa Cruz by Huey Percy Newton. Huey Percy Newton discusses how the Black Panther Party was formed in America in 1966 as an organization made up of Black and poor people embracing a common ideology identified by its proponents as revolutionary intercommunalism. Drastic measures were taken by agencies and officers of the federal government to destroy the Black Panther Party politically and financially. The F.B.I as well as the government did not like what the Black Panther Party believed in; the main purpose of the Black Panther Party was…show more content…
To support his thesis Percy employs that there was numerous measures taken by the government to disrupt the Black Panther Party. In 1966 Black people did not have the rights white people had black people had to overcome so many obstacles to get where they are today. The Administrations Propaganda War against the Panthers Making the Political Criminal is basically about the White House having an Enemies list made up by the office of the Nixon administration this list contained political parties and organizations such as the Black Panther Party. The White House Administration was basically trying to sabotage their political enemies’ ones such as the Black Panther Party. The Superagency Approach to Crushing Dissent is involving the Federal Law Enforcement Agencies trying to accuse the Black Panther Party of illegal crimes and using narcotics, especially Newton. The Drug Enforcement Administration had the authority to do wiretapping, mail covers, black jobs, or break-ins in order for them to catch the Black Panther Party. The F.B.I Declares War on
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