Volcanic and Seismic Events Are Major Pieces of Evidence Towards Proving That Plate Tectonics Theory Is Valid. Discuss This Statement.

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As far back as 1620, Francis Bacon noticed that the west coast of Africa and the east coast of South America looked as if it would fit together. Between then and 1912 others identified further similarities but it was only that year when Alfred Wegner published a theory and subsequent evidence to explain why the earth appeared to be a huge jigsaw puzzle. He suggested that all continents were once a huge supercontinent, called Pangaea- which drifted apart. The evidence for this was the distribution in geology around the globe. Some mountain ranges in Scotland, for example, are similar to those of the east coast if North America. Moreover, Wegner also used climatic evidence for his proposal. Coal had been found in the Antarctic, but coal only forms under warm, wet conditions. In addition to this, Coal forming in more tropical conditions suggests Britain once lay closer to the equatorial regions of the world. Thus he believed that the land moved after the coal was produced Since 1912, we have come along away in terms of technology and the improvement of our scientific discoveries. Although Wegner’s theory is widely accepted, it is only exactly that, a theory and therefore is still an open forum. In this essay I will discuss whether Wegner’s theory has become more concrete in light of recent volcanic and seismic events. Volcanic hazards can provide both opportunities and risks for individuals. Lava and pyroclastic flows are both examples of primary volcanic hazards, whilst lahars landslides are secondary. Seismic hazards are initially ground movement and landslides, and in some cases can be preceded by tsunamis. The soonest discovery made after Wegner’s proposal was Harry Hess’ finding of a concept known as Sea Floor Spreading in 1950. This occurs mainly at constructive plate margins in which magma rises through the newly created space caused by the spreading
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