Visit of Kilmainham Jail - Dublin

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Kilmainham Gaol, or Kilmainham Jail, in the day light The front door, with snakes above it Kilmainham Jail, or Kilmainham Gaol, is a prison located in Dublin, 2 Inchicore Road. It was opened in 1796, and closed in 1924. This jail is a symbol of the Irish history, especially because of the Easter Rising of 1916. Many leaders of this rising were executed in that prison, or at least detained there. But, this rebellion wasn’t the first one to take place in Ireland; the Battle of Vinegar Hill took place first in 1798. It was the first important rebellion that Ireland knew, and the prisoners were sent to Kilmainham Jail. Irish people did not agree with the Easter Rising at first, they did not really “follow” the leaders, and their ideal, even though they were concerned by this rebellion. When they learned about what happened in Kilmainham, though, their opinion changed. Indeed, the executions in Kilmainham made them react because of their barbarity: one of the leaders, who was hurt to the leg, could not get up, so the people who ran the jail, who still wanted to execute him, tied him up to a chair, and shot him that way. The barbarity of that execution made Irish People react. The jail, on top of that, made the prisoners live in terrible conditions : there were not enough cells for every prisoner, so they had to put many people in the same room, women, men and children together : they were also treated the same way. There were a lot of children in that jail, but they had to do everything that an adult would do, and if they would disobey, they would receive the same treatment as adults: the prisoners were beaten with a whip, and vinegar was put on their wounds afterwards. A week later, when the wounds began to heal, the guards would beat them over. Children were treated that way to. The younger prisoner that ever came to that prison was told to be five years
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