Unstoppable (Tony Scott) 2010

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Unstoppable (Tony Scott) 2010 Michelle Brady ENG225 Instructor Ryan Ogrodnik November 25, 2013 Unstoppable (Tony Scott, 2010) is a heart-stopping story about an unmanned, runaway train heading for a populated city and the people involved in stopping it. This is a great film, the director did an awesome job in showing the emotion of each character and a wonderful job with the editing and filming of each scene. It is a thrilling, suspenseful film adding a close look at the lives of the characters involved in stopping the killer train. The director and his team of artists did a pretty decent job projecting the suspense, fear, and emotions of the characters in each situation. Storyline: In Unstoppable (Tony Scott 2010), Dewey has to move train #777 to a different track and in the process, Dewey gets off to switch the track and the train’s throttle stick clicks into full throttle and picks up power, leaving Dewey behind. Once the railroad finds out what is going on, they do everything in their power to shut down railroad crossings and try to figure out how to stop this runaway train that is speeding towards a dangerous part of the track in the middle of a high population city, Stanton. Train number 1206 is on the same track as 777 and they are heading straight towards each other, starting at about 60 miles away from each other and quickly closing the gap. Frank and Will are the two men driving train number 1206 and they decide that they have a chance of slowing down train #777 if not stopping it altogether. After several edge of the seat attempts at stopping the train, including the death of a veteran conductor, Frank and Will finally slow 777 down enough to safely traverse the track through Stanton and eventually stop the train, saving the town and saving the railroad lots more money than they would have lost. Acting: Denzel Washington plays a stellar

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