Unpleasant Task Essay

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sana yaseen. professor aguirre. english 0305. 19 july 2011 U.S ECONOMICS CRISIS ON HIGHER EDUCATION The U.S econonomics recession has affected millions of people in the country: people are unemployed at record rates, falling behind academically, socially and in earning power. America are at a difficult crossroads americans had higher prospects in higher education, one step back and examines the crisis and its consequences effects especially for graduate students. Education provides the usa ? country advantage in science and technology fields to globalization and international trade requires countries and their economics to compete with each other countrys that are economically secessfull, competitive and comparative strength of the country in the global market place. The education and training of a countrys worker are major factors in determining just how well the countrys economys will do. two major concepts that infuence the wage rate's are training and education. In general better trained and better educated workers earn more money, because both training and education tend to improve a worker's productivity. A country's economy becomes more productive as the proportion of educated worker increases. So the country has placed greater emphasis on developing the ability to function in new industries, such as those in science and technology fields. This is partly beacause older industries in developed economics were becoming less competitive and thus were less, in addition to improve the country economics, improve education in every fileds for common people of the country. firstly to create a pollution tax for everyone who is selling anything in the U.S has to pay to government. secondly balance the international playing field, if U.S companies have to do something, foreign companies that import into the U.S should have to do something,
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