Unpaid Military Leave Case Study

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NADC will grant an unpaid military leave of absence to eligible service member employees as required by federal and state law. Military leave shall be treated as a period of Corporation employment for purposes of establishing length of employment and eligibility for benefit plans, provided the employee returns to the Corporation within the time limits prescribed below. NADC requires that you provide advance notice for all military duty unless giving notice is impossible, unreasonable, or precluded by military necessity. Group insurance, vacation, sick leave, and holiday benefits will not accrue during military leave but will resume when the employee returns to employment. Reemployment Rights The time period an application for reemployment must be made is…show more content…
NADC continues to provide health insurance benefits for the full term of any jury duty absence. Employees must show the jury duty summons to their supervisor as soon as possible so that the supervisor may accommodate their absence. Employees are expected to report back to work as soon as court schedules Bereavement Leave North American Dismantling Corp. Page 70 of 70 Rev 0; February 10, 2015 NADC recognizes that the loss of an immediate family member is a difficult time and grants regular full-time employees up to three (3) consecutive days of paid leave upon the death of an immediate family member. Immediate family members include the employee’s spouse, parent or stepparent, parents-in-law, child, or sibling. NADC also grants one (1) day paid leave upon the death of family members not in your immediate family. These family members include grandparents and grandchildren. Personal time must be used for attendance at the funeral of other family members including aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. If you need to take time off due to the death of a family member, please notify your supervisor

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