Unknown Compounds

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A mixture of unknown compounds was separated based on the difference in reactivity (with aqueous acid or base) and in solubility (in aqueous and organic solvents), the separation from one compound from a mixture by this technique is called extraction. The technique of extraction allows for unknown compounds to be identified based on their melting points as well as their reactivity with acid and based. Extraction is one of the most common and most useful techniques in organic chemistry for separating and purifying compounds. Separation by extraction is based on the differences in solubility of compounds in two different, immiscible solvents. Extraction refers to the fact that one compound is removed from a mixture in one solution; therefore…show more content…
The purpose of this step was to remove (extract) most of the water that has dissolved in the ether layer. 2) The aqueous layer was drained and the solution discarded in the sink. 3) The ether layer was poured out the top of the separatory funnel into a clean, dry Erlenmeyer flask. 4) Several scoops of anhydrous Mg SO4 were added and the solution swirled. The MgSo4 absorbed the last traces of water the ether solution. The solution was completely dry when it appeared crystal clear and MgSO4 floated in the liquid, when swirled. If solution is cloudy, more drops of MgSO4 were to be added until solution was completely dropped. 5) We decanted the solution from the solid MgSO4 into a 50 or 100 ml round bottom flask. 6) The ether was removed using the rotary evaporator. We discarded the used MGSO4 into solid waste containers. The solid that remained after ether evaporated was the neutral organic compound. 7) We scraped the solid from the flask with a spatula and allowed the solid to dry thoroughly on a piece of filter…show more content…
The melting point of the unknown was determined to be between 90-110 degrees. Based on the melting point we identified the identity of the unknown as Acetanilide. Acetanilide is an odorless, white flake solid or crystalline powder (pure form) which is soluble in hot water alcohol, ether, chloroform, acetone, glycerol, and benzene. Acetanilide is used as an inhibitor of peroxide sand as a stabilizer for cellulose ester varnishes. Acetanilide is also used as an intermediate for the synthesis of rubber accelerators, dyes, and is used as a precursor in penicillin synthesis. The melting point of the base was determined to be between 80-87 degrees. Based on the melting point we identified the identity of our base as Ethy-4-amiobenzoate. Ethy-4-amiobenzoate is an anesthetic which is applied topically to the skin and mucous membrane and is also used to suppress the gag reflex in various

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