Unknown Bacteria Report

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The research performed to determine the unknown bacteria was extensive. Many tests were performed in the laboratory to determine what the bacteria was. Each student was given a numbered bacteria and proceeded to test the unknown in different ways. Aseptic technique was performed for all tests to maintain a pure culture for bacterial growth. In determining this unknown bacteria, number two, many tests were performed. The tests that helped identify this bacteria were gram-stain, motility, Simmons citrate, lactose testing, and methyl red testing. All of the tests that were stated and recorded on the comparative analysis chart also tribute to uncovering the unknown bacteria, but they were not the critical tests needed. In the gram-stain tests, the bacteria was indicated as negative and the shape of the bacteria were rods. Motility was noted under the microscope by evidence of the bacteria moving around on the slide. The Simmons citrate test was positive, meaning the agar turned from green to a blue color. So this bacteria utilizes citrate as a carbon source. The lactose testing gave a positive result. MacConkey agar was used to help determine this. The last test that helped determine this bacteria was the Methyl Red Voges-Proskauer broth. This test came back negative. In conclusion, I believe that the unknown bacteria number two to be Enterobacter aerogenes. In comparison of the descriptive chart and the comparative analysis sheet, 18 out 18 of the tests performed were alike. This data helped me identify this unknown bacteria and understand why it was that bacteria. Enterobacter aerogenes is a facultative anaerobic bacteria that is present in the intestinal tract of humans. This bacteria naturally occurs in soil and freshwater and is present on plants, sewage, and is an opportunistic pathogen present on human skin. Antibiotics can be used to treat the

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