Unit 516 Essay

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Unit 516 - Understand safeguarding of children and young people (for those working in the adult sector) 1. 1.1- For this assignment, I will be explaining my role in safeguarding children and young people. I am aware that I do not work with children or young people, however the protection and advocacy for this sector of society is, I believe, everyone’s responsibility. In 2013, the Government published ‘Working together to safeguard children’. Within this document, the term safeguarding is defined as follows Protecting children from maltreatment. Preventing impairment of children’s health or development. Ensuring that children are growing up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care. Taking action to enable all children and young people to have the best outcome The action we take to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm - is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone who comes into contact with children and families has a role to play. Prior to this document being developed, in 2003, the Government formulated a policy called ‘Every Child Matters’. Within this document, there are 5 main rights that the government believe that every child has the right to, this is also called the change for children framework: 1) stay safe, 2) be healthy, 3) enjoy and achieve, 4) make a positive contribution and 5) to achieve economic well-being. Each point within the framework will require partnerships with different members from multi-agencies, however, my role as a carer for adults, I can partake in the implementation of points 1 and 2 in particular. I could implement point one: to stay safe. As a carer for adults, the residents I care for often have family members come to visit them, this can include grand-children and even great grand-children. I have the opportunity at this point to look out for possible
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