Unit 11 Level 2 Health and Social Care

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P2 and M1– identify different dietary needs at each life stage and discuss how the components of a balanced diet contributes to an individuals health at different stages New born babies When a child is born the only thing that is supplied to it, is its mother’s milk which contains iron and copper, the baby is supplied with enough of this for the first 6 months. Breast milk is clean, it provides immunity against disease and does not have to be prepared, but others may choose to provide their child with formula which is cow’s milk, but breast milk is the best nutrient for a baby, even if it is only given to them for a week or two because this will provide the child with at least a little bit of immunity where as formula is made out of instructions which can damage the immature kidneys. For the first 12 months a baby needs three times more energy an adult needs, proteins and need for vitamin b. A baby would also need four times more vitamin A, C, D and minerals, calcium and iron. Toddlers and young children (approx 1 to 11 years) Children between the ages of 1 to 11 are usually quite active, but this is only if their body is getting enough vitamins and minerals, because they’re energy levels are not at the same level as adults. Toddlers and young children and need energy to be able to function and to keep themselves active as well as growth development. The energy is provided from the food you eat which contains fats, carbohydrates and also proteins which should be in their balanced diet. During childhood children need to be encouraged to eat healthy meals so they are used to eating those meals whilst growing up, for e.g. eating meat, fish, eggs, potatoes, pasta, rice and vegetables. Eating too much crisps, sweets, greasy foods and fizzy drinks are all not good for your diet because it an lead you to having obesity or tooth decay. Puberty& Adolescence (approx. 11

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