Unit 104 The Coffee Shop Answers

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servvv Unit 104 Question 2.1 - 2.8 2.1 - When at work I have to make sure my hair is tied up and is covered e.g. with a headband. I must wear my white overalls and they should be kept clean as possible. 2.2 - At the beginning of the work week we start off by baking the cakes we will be decorating for the orders that week. We decorate the cakes throughout the week and keep on top of the cleaning at all times. 2.3 - The jobs we do and the times they take doesn’t affect our customers. This is because if we are in the middle of doing a task and a customer comes into the shop we stop what we are doing tend to the customer. 2.4 - We have a routine within our work place which keeps us organized throughout the week. We give ourselves targets…show more content…
They expect us to make the cake to how they want but also give a little advice which could make the difference to a perfect cake. 2.6 – Our service offer is to bake and decorate cakes according to what the customer ask within their price range. 2.7 - We are not allowed to take an order without any deposit we must as for a minimum of half deposit to secure the order. We are not allowed to take orders less than 2 weeks before the date the customer needs the cake. We only deliver wedding cakes to venues we never deliver the birthday cakes. The things we do in our shop are take payments in installments so it’s not a load of money they will have fork out on the day they collect the cake. We cater for all need for example; vegetarians, egg free diets, gluten free diets and those with dairy intolerance. 2.8 - I do my job in a healthy way by keeping my hand the area I’m working in and the equipment I use as clean as possible. We keep on top of cleaning and the washing up so there is even less chance of any germs getting in anything. I do my job in safe way by following health and safety procedures and being cautious of my surroundings and where I put tins I have just took out the…show more content…
We also have consultations available which we sit down with the customers and have more of a one-to-one conversation about their cake and what they would like to have. Our response is to give them advice if needed to steer them in the right direction for a better appearance on the cake. We write down every detail on a receipt. 4.3 – I deal with customers over the phone also face-to-face. The rules I have to follow are when answer the phone I must announce the company name and ask how I may help. When a customer comes into the show and I am dealing with them face-to-face I must always be polite and respectable and my uniform clean. 4.4 - I recognize when a customer is confused when they are asking many questions and actually stating they don't understand for example “I don’t understand why it’s that price" or " I don’t think I get how it’s going to look at the end". I notice when a customer is angry when they start raising their voices, stepping back away from the counter or shaking their head and refusing to pay the price for example. 4.5 - In our organization we try to respond to customers question they have send us via email as soon as possible as all questions and quotations are very important to

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