Unit 1 Assignment Brie

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Assessor Name | IV Name | Caroline Piercy | Simon Blood | Date Issued | Hand in Date | Mon 15/9/14 | Sun 5/10/14 23:55 | Qualification | Assignment Number | BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in IT | 1 of 6 | Project Title | Unit(s) | Programming | 6 - Software Design and Development16 – Procedural Programming | Assignment Title | Which language? | In this assignment you will have opportunities to provide evidence against the following criteria. | Unit | Criteria Reference | Criteria | Task No | 6 | P1 | Describe the application and limits of procedural, object oriented and event driven programming paradigms | 1 | 6 | P2 | Describe the factors influencing the choice of programming language | 2 | Scenario | You are to lead a session on programming languages for a group of trainee programmers. The trainee programmers need some resources to give them information about different paradigms and the reasons for choosing different languages. You are to produce a report to be given out to these programmers. | Tasks | Task 1 P1 What are the different paradigms of languages? | * You are required to describe the application and limits of the following groups (paradigms) of programming languages : * Procedural * Object orientated * Event driven. * You should also give an overview for the following types of languages : * Visual languages * Other types of languages * Script * Markup * Where possible you should also talk about the languages and supporting tools within the relevant groups. You may include but are not limited to the following : * CASE tools * IDE. | Evidence To Be Generated | Report | Project Milestone | 26/9/14 | Task 2 P2 What makes you choose a specific language? | You are required to describe the factors influencing a choice of programming language. Where

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