Understand the Process and Experience of Dementia

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UNIT 013 - UNDERSTAND THE PROCESS AND EXPERIENCE OF DEMENTIA UNDERSTAND THE NEUROLOGY OF DEMENTIA 1.1 DESCRIBE A RANGE OF CAUSES OF DEMENTIA SYNDROME 1.2 DESCRIBE THE TYPES OF MEMORY IMPAIRMENT COMMONLY EXPERIENCED BY INDIVIDUALS WITH DEMENTIA 1.3 EXPLAIN THE WAY THAT INDIVIDUALS PROCESS INFORMATION WITH REFERENCE TO THE ABILITIES AND LIMITATIONS OF INDIVIDUALS WITH DEMENTIA 1.4 EXPLAIN HOW OTHER FACTORS CAN CAUSE CHANGES IN AN INDIVIDUAL'S CONDITION THAT MAY NOT BE ATTRIBUTABLE TO DEMENTIA 1.5 EXPLAIN WHY THE ABILITIES AND NEEDS OF AN INDIVIDUAL WITH DEMENTIA MAY FLUCTUATE There are various forms of dementia which are caused when some of the cells in the brain which control different functions in the body stop working properly and mental functions deteriorate. Depending on which part of the brain this occurs, dementia affects how that person thinks, concentrates, remembers and communicates. * Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia. Alzheimer’s is caused by nerve cells dying in certain areas of the brain. In addition to this, the connections between affected nerve cells deteriorate. As the disease progresses, it spreads and affects cells in other parts of the brain. Day to day memory problems are first noticed but other symptoms include not knowing the right words anymore, problem solving, decision making or 3 dimensional perception. * Vascular dementia is caused when the brain is deprived of oxygen. This happens when the arteries which carry oxygenated blood to the brain can't get there and the brain, or part of it, dies. Arteries carry oxygenated blood around the body and veins carry deoxygenated blood. These arteries and veins form part of your vascular system. Symptoms include problem solving difficulties, difficulties concentrating or thinking quickly, confusion. The effects of vascular dementia depend on which parts
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