Ultrasound Evaluation of First Trimester Bleeding

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INTRODUCTION Bleeding per vaginum in the first trimester is one of the most commonest causes for the majority of emergency admissions to the obstetrics department and also a common reason for ultrasound examination. Nearly (27% to 30%) twenty seven to thirty percent of all pregnant women in their first trimester complain of bleeding per vagina, during their first trimester several diagnostic possibilities can be considered. By mere clinical examination and clinical history precise diagnosis is usually impossible. The causes of bleeding are many and cover a spectum of conditions ranging from a viable pregnanacy to a non-viable one A woman, who presents with poor history poses a diagnostic challenge both to the obstetrician and sonographer. But when available the patient’s history and knowledge of obstetrician’s suspicion are guides for the sonographer. Real-time sonography is a non-invasive modality that is extremely useful to arrive at an accurate diagnosis. Ultrasound in a woman who prsents with bleeding in the first trimester helps: (1) in confirming the pregnancy (2) to know if the pregnancy is intrauterine or extrauterine. (3) To know the period of gestation. (4) In early recognition of any associated pelvic abnormality. (5) To know the viabilty of the fetus (6) To confirm or rule out suspected hydatiform mole. (7) To look for the presence of intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD) and confirmation of pregnancy with IUCD. (8) Helps in prompt management of the patients. (9) Helps in early detection of anembryonic pregnanacy which is associated with chromosonal anomalies. (10) Evaluation of suspected blighted ovum, threatened, incomplete, complete and missed abortion. (11) Localization and textural evaluation of placenta. In this study of 200 (two hundred) patients, I

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