Turn Off The Violence Week Essay

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Created in October of 1997, Turn Off The Violence is a sponsored week all over college campuses across the country that help to end domestic violence against women and young children , honor the victims of domestic abuse. According to the George Mason University website, during the week, there are different activities that educate students about the dangers of domestic abuse and how to report them correctly. One of the activities is The Clothespin Project, in which people decorate t-shirts to honor victims and break the silence surrounding these crimes.It’s an educational tool for the community, a healing tool for survivors, and a reminder to victims that they are not alone. Another activity in Turn Off The Violence Week is The White Ribbon Campaign. Founded in 1991, this campaign encourages men to work to end violence against women. The campaign and its efforts to educate men and boys have spread globally. By wearing a white ribbon men visibly demonstrate their pledge to “never commit, condone or remain silent about violence against women and girls,” according to whiteribbon.com. One activity that is quite popular in Turn off The Violence Week is Take Back The Night. It was first started in 1975, Take Back The Night features a rally, followed by a march and a candlelight vigil honoring the deaths of women by the hands of domestic…show more content…
Everyday in America, almost three women are murdered by current partners or past partners.The research raises important questions about if domestic violence will ever stopped. Turn Off The Violence may be the educational tool that we need to curb domestic violence in our country. The future starts with us, and Turn Off the Violence does that. They target college students and teach them about partner violence, and hopefully our generation will see less of domestic violence and more healthier ways to diffuse

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