Tropical Savanna Biome

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Tropical Savanna A biome is a large geographical area of distinctive plant and animal groups, which are adapted to that particular environment. The climate and geography of a region determines what type of biome can exist in that region. Major biomes include deserts, forests, grasslands, tundra, and savanna. Each biome consists of many ecosystems whose communities have adapted to the small differences in climate and the environment inside the biome. Any change in one part of an environment, like an increase or decrease of a species of animal or plant, causes a ripple effect of change in through other parts of the environment. The earth includes a huge variety of living things, from complex plants and animals to very simple, one-celled organisms. The large or small, simple or complex, no…show more content…
The word savanna stems from an Amerind term for plains which became Hispanicize after the Spanish Conquest. It is a transitional biome between those dominated by forests and those dominated by grasses. The Savanna biome is associated with climates having seasonal precipitation accompanied with a seasonal drought. A multitude variant, the parkland, is located in the drier portions of the humid continental climate. Savannas have warm temperature year round. There are actually two very different seasons in a savanna; a very long dry season (winter), and a very wet season (summer). The tropical savanna is generally found in regions dominated by the wet-dry tropical climate such as Australia, and Africa. An extensive cover of tall grasses, sometimes reaching a height of 3 meters, is found in the tropical savanna. Most savanna grass is coarse and grows in tufts with intervening patches of bare ground. Scattered, individual trees or small groves of trees are common. Trees do not dominate the biome because the small amount of high sun rainfall is not enough to sustain such

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