Trebuchet Essay

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A simple machine is a device that makes a tough job easier by allowing a person that is applying force to apply less force. Also makes the force applied in a direction manipulated. There are six types of machines- lever, wheel and axle, pulley, inclined plane, wedge and a screw. The three machines in a trebuchet is a lever, inclined plane and a wedge. A lever is a rigid bar that rest on a pivot that is a used to help move heavy things or firmly fixed load with one end when pressure is applied to the other end. An inclined plane is a flat surface tilted at an angle with one end raised higher than the other which is used as an aid to raise or lower something. A wedge is a piece of wood, metal or something else where one end is thicker than the other which is tapered to a thinner end. It is driven in between two objects or parts of an object to secure or separate the object. A trebuchet is a machine that was used in the medieval siege warfare for hurling large stones or other missiles. Trebuchet was built on site and were deigned not to be movable so it was built on the site of where they were attacking to destroy the protective walls. The counterweight extended the range long enough where so that the trebuchet could stay away from the target to stay out of reach of serious harm to their trebuchet but close enough to unleash its deadly terror. Trebuchets were known to hurl stones that weighed two hundred pounds three hundred yards and were six feet tall. It was man powered where men pulled down own ropes which released the stone and gave it enough force that when it went into the air it was able to go far enough to hit the protective walls. In the trebuchet there are three simple machines in it. A lever which is the counterweight and the beam. There are two types of counterweights ones hinged the other one is fixed. The hinged counterweight improved the efficiency

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