Trauma Of War

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Trauma of War Trauma is a disordered behavioural state resulting from an experience that was shocking, severe, mental or emotionally stressful from a traumatic event. Throughout the documentary “Barbered Wire and Mandolins”, civilians suffer emotional and shocking stress in June 1940, where 700 men were seen as national threats to security, and therefore held up to three years in internment camps. In the short story “A Marker On The side Of the Boat” a soldier reflects on a shocking and severe trauma of a war that he encountered in the city of Hanoi. Both “A Marker on the Side of the Boat” and “Barbered wire on Mandolins” are equally effective in conveying all aspects of trauma of war. Ways that trauma of war is conveyed in both creative texts is through character insights, where in the documentary we get civilians who were apart of the event in 1940, and in the short story we get a soldiers insights on everything that’s happening during the war. As well as imagery where in the short story key literal terms such as metaphors helps the reader picture a vivid emotional image, and in the documentary, we see live footage of some key events. Lastly trauma of war is conveyed effectively in the short story and documentary by descriptive language. In “A Marker on the Side of the Boat” and “Barbered wire on Mandolins” trauma of war is conveyed through character insights. In “Barbered Wire On Madolins” there are several surviving civilians who were apart of the event in June 1940 that are interviewed. These surviving civilians are people that were enslaved, and siblings who lost their fathers for 3 years. One of the character insights we get is Domenico Nadoccio where he states, “ After Italy had declared War on England, at about 10 AM that same day RCMP came to my shop to arrest me, to me it was not justified, it was terrible experience”.
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