Training and Development Final Essay Questions

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Final Essay Questions Assignment Trista K. Schuster Ottawa University May 2, 2015 Abstract The following paper will provide answers to the following 6 essay questions. 1. Discuss the forces influencing the workplace and learning, and explain how training can help companies deal with these forces. 2. Discuss what factors need to be considered before making the decision to outsource training. Describe outsourcing in your company or one that you research. 3. Discuss the importance of an organization analysis in a needs assessment and why it should be done first. 4. Discuss the key features of a learning organization. Give an example of such an organization and how it promotes the development of employees and the growth and health of its business. 5. Explain how learning and transfer are enhanced by new training technologies. Give examples from your workplace or from the business world. 6. Discuss how a company can profit by hiring disabled (handicapped) employees. Give some examples of your company or other companies training and making accommodations for the disabled (handicapped) employees. In my responses I will provide the answers from outside sources used, each response will include an application to the workplace, and will apply my knowledge to work-life situations. Final Essay Questions Assignment Question 1. Discuss the forces influencing the workplace and learning, and explain how training can help companies deal with these forces. Response - Forces affecting workplace and learning include; Globalization, increased value placed on intangible assets and human capital, focus on link to business strategy, attracting and retaining talent, customer service and quality emphasis, changing demographics and diversity of the work force, new technology, high-performance models of work

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