Tradional Class vs Online

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THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN TRADITIONAL CLASS AND ONLINE CLASS Traditional classes have been competing with increasingly popular virtual classroom since the technology started to develop. However, traditional class and online class are the great ways to have an education during college. The both have designed for the same purpose, which is to help the students reach their goals. Students should not expect the online classes are easier. They take just as much work and dedication as traditional classes. Most of the credits they earn can be transfer to any college or any university. How do they know which one is right one for them when they sign up for course? How do these classes differ? Online classes allow the students to work asynchronously, that means they can complete their coursework at anytime, anywhere. This is wonderful for who need a flexible schedule like working students, single parents…. The students have to be organized, well-paced format instructors follow within these time frames. The students quickly become used to the demands and deadlines of the schedule. The students have to be a time managers and self-starters. On the other hand, traditional class students have to provide a fixed schedule and specific periods. These students prefer to be “forced” to schedules class first then they can plan the other activities around them. Online classes are very popular with students in the high tech industry. For online classes with a video element, high speed internet connection and email are required. Students don’t even know their teachers and their classmates. They submit their work or assignments and receiving their feedback, grade through their emails. In contrast, the students in the traditional classes only need chairs, desks, boards, books…and they can find all the information, books in the library. They refer face to face with the teachers and
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