Tourism and Recreation

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1. Tourism and Recreation: A Changing Climate I have chosen my first article on the impacts the climate has on recreation and tourism. As Canadian winters become warmer, the impact on Recreation is abundantly clear. The article discusses how the Ontario climate change will take a toll on tourism and recreation opportunities that rely on cold, winter weather conditions. Outdoor recreation is a billion- dollar industry in Canada, and depends on climate for its success. “With the onset of global warming, the temperatures are expected to raise globally between 1.8 and 4 C degrees within this century”. This will impact Canada's winter tourism dramatically. This article suggests that the winter sport season will decrease up to 55 % by 2020, therefore having the potential to loose at lease 11 million in economic revenue. As the winter temperatures increase, the amount of snow and ice slowly diminish, therefore making the period in which operations for these seasonal venues shorten. What was interesting about this article is the impacts of Canada experiencing warmer winters. With less snow and ice, we can expect to see shorter cross country skiing, snowmobiling, skating and ice fishing seasons. Water will not form enough ice until later in the seasons, and therefore melting earlier. More accidents could occur due to thinning ice, and wildlife will be unable to adapt quickly enough and could die out. Tourism will take a toll, by fewer tourists engaging in the activities, less revenue will be brought in, effecting restaurants, tourist attractions, tour operators etc. There will ultimately be negative effects on local and national economy. Facilities that rely on snow for their outdoor activities will need to increase the snow production at local ski hills, therefore increasing energy use, which contributes to climate change. Wildlife will need

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