Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye: Racism Within The

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Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye: Racism Within the Family In 1950 America, racial discrimination is implied by different skin colors. Toni Morrison's work, The Bluest Eye, reiterates that this sort of racism goes both ways, as stereotypes are formed between each race. Toni Morrison uses the racism of the 1950's and shows that "It is the blackness that accounts for, that creates, the vacuum edged with distaste in white eyes" (49.) It is not just Pecola who brings about this reaction, for each time white people come into contact with "the blackness." This is not an isolated situation, but a constant and recognizably unchanging event that was part of life for a black person during the 1950's. This kind of racism became such a common occurrence that soon the victims began to believe that the insults were true. Geraldine's family is an example of such hatred, as she shapes her life, family, and son to reject their heritage; the color of their skin and accept inferiority. Geraldine molds her son's views by telling him only to play with "White kids; his mother did not like him to play with niggers. She had explained to him the difference between colored people and niggers. They were easily identifiable. Colored people were neat and quiet; niggers were dirty and loud" (87.) The family has abandoned their race because of the abuse and shame imposed upon them by the white people and because of this they have come to believe that the white people are superior because of their color, and the shame and hate they feel for themselves is displayed by their emulation of ideal white lifestyle. Although it is well hidden, the misery that Geraldine and her family feel is still present in their lives. "Quiet as it is kept," the most painful kind of racism is within the family. When the family has rejected each other for what they are, although rare, is possible and painful

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