To What Extent Was Hume Successful in His Critque of the Cosmological Argument

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To what extent was Hume successful in his critique of the Cosmological argument? (15) Hume’s critique of the cosmological argument is often misunderstood by later philosophers and thinkers. The arguments state that Hume’s critique consists of five separate arguments which attempt to unpick Samuel Clarke’s cosmological argument known as “the Argument.” However Hume actually intended these arguments to work alongside one and other in order to create a single developed argument which he refers to as “Hume’s Dilemma.” In his “Demonstrations of the Being and Attributes of God” (1705) it seems that Hume is attacking a specific form of the argument brought forward by 17th/18th century philosopher Samuel Clarke. Within his work, Hume attacks stems of the cosmological including the assumption that all beings must have a cause, the argument that the universe needs a divergent intelligible cause. These arguments seem to create a strong case with the ability to break many forms of the cosmological argument, however issues may be found with Hume’s idea of the possibility of infinite regress which is rejected by many philosophers within their cosmological arguments such as the Kalam arguments and those of Aristotle. It is debatable here as to whether Hume was successful in his critique of the Cosmological argument. However here it is important to note that Hume is not attempting to create an unjustified view of God. Hume isn’t trying to prove that there is no God, he is simply proving that by using the Cosmological argument we shouldn’t be led to the sudden belief in God as the argument provides us with no reason to believe in God. With this idea in mind it is clear that Hume was successful in his critique, due to the fact that his motivation was not to justify the idea that God didn’t exist so he is arguing from an objective view, adding weight to his argument. 20th century

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