To What Extent Was Germany to Blame for Causing World War 1?

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In the Treaty of Versailles, in the War Guilt Clause, Article 231, Germany was given all the responsibility for causing WW1. Some historians say that no one country is to be hold responsible. To what extent was Germany to blame for causing World War 1? Germanys Weltpolitik had a major impact on international relations. Weltpolitik caused tensions and led to a naval race between Germany and Britain and created a naval scare in the world. The historian Fritz Fischer arguments that Germany was to blame for causing WW1, with presenting the ‘September Programme’ where Germany’s aims for the Domination of Europe is set, like their Weltpolitik was also about. The July crisis was the crisis, which pushed Europe in to war. Germany urged Austria-Hungary on to attack Serbia with the ‘’blank check’’, which also assured a full back up from Germany. Germany interpreted Russia’s mobilization as virtual equivalent to declaring war, and that meant that in order for the Schlieffen plan to succeed, Germanys army had to attack and defeat France before moving eastwards to fight Russian forces. Germanys plan of taking out France quickly meant that they had to go through neutral Belgium to avoid France’s heavily fortified border defenses. Germany’s decision of going through Belgium led to Britain going in to the war. Historian, Gordon Martell, said that Germany made a bid for power by supporting Austria-Hungary and that Russia and her allies resolved to stop them. Many factors contributed to World War 1 and every country had a share of responsibility. One of the main causes of tension between the European powers in 1880-1905 was colonial rivalries, also known as imperialism. The Europeans had increased their domination of countries in Africa and the Far East. They all wanted cheap raw materials, new markets and low-cost labour forces. But they were also driven by
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