To What Extent Was Collectivisation a Succes

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How successful was collectivisation Stalin aimed to improve Russia through Collectivisation, by uniting all farms as one to produce grain for exports and food for the cities. I believe overall he essentially accomplished his goal even though there were severe consequences. Relating to the economic, social and political factors I will elaborate my point of view. Firstly, Stalin economic goal was to gain money by collectivisation to provide resources for industrialisation. This was achieved, between 1928 and 1935 the amount of grain procured more than doubled. This efficiently increased Russia’s wealth as they sold large quantities to other countries, providing funds for industrialisation. Additionally, industrialisation was hastened by 1939 as 19 million people left the countryside to the cities providing a workforce. This was Stalin’s purpose hence collectivisation success as the money and people were these resources he needed. However, in the early 1930 grain harvest dropped. This crisis under collectivisation remained worse than in the last years of the tsarist regime. By 1935 the number of livestock was half of what it was in 1928 resulting in the decline of arable faming and meat production which hindered economic progress. So there were failures in the system. Nevertheless, the success of the mass migration from the countryside to the cities outweighs this fiasco. As regardless of times of famine grain procurement continued and remained high. This signifies the overall success, as collectivisation still brought about Stalin’s aims; for people to leave the land and work in the industry which they did to escape the famine and to sell grain abroad to bring money into the country. Additionally, Stalin social aim was for all farmers to be grouped together to produce grain for the good of the community. During the grain procurement crisis, collectivisation was
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