To Build a Fire By Jack London

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To build a fire by jack London is about a man who struggles fighting different types of conflicts. One of them is internal. Internal conflicts is a mental or emotional struggle that occurs within a character. The main character in the story also has to fight external conflict which is a struggle that occurs between a character and outside forces, which could be another character or the environment. While he tries to get the second fire going, his consciousness reminds that his feet are freezing, and he goes into a panic. Still he "fights against it and keeps calm." It is at this point, too, that the man feels envy for the dog who is "warm and secure in its natural covering." His efforts to drive the thoughts of his freezing body from his mind are extremely difficult. And, in the end, he is unable to will himself to movement, realizing that his mental powers are no match for what conflicts with him externally. The man in the story also has to fight internal conflicts. So as the Newcomer is constantly fighting his own foolishness for taking so many risks in such extreme cold and not following the advice of people with more experience. So he basically was just too self confident. The man just had to accept death after going through different stages before he can come to terms with it. He than becomes depressed and goes into panic, realizing he cannot fight anymore so he just lays back and lets death take him away. In build a fire the internal and external conflicts both get resolved by the main character. The resolution to the conflicts comes when when the man accepts his fate and sits down to die. He tries to survive so he gets up and begins to run only to collapse in exhaustion, and finally, as the dog watches faithfully nearby, numbness fills his freezing body. As he finally gives up he lays down and goes to "sleep". To build a fire by jack
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