Hamlet's Characteristics

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Hamlet’s Characteristics Hamlet has very many different characteristics that Shakespeare shows in his play. Out of most of the characteristics shown, most of them show him not being heroic. He goes from being depressed and suicidal to brave and determined. Hamlet also is very disgusted at times and filled with hate because of his mother and his uncle. All these things are shown many times throughout the play but there are certain times that stand out more than others. Hamlet’s being suicidal and his depression takes over most of his thoughts and they are two main characteristics he shows. During his soliloquies most things he talks about is himself being upset or not wanting to live. He shows his depression by saying, “How weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable seem to me all the uses of this world!” (I ii 133-134). He is really upset about his mother and his uncle, but also his father dying. His way of coping with his thoughts about them is to act suicidal, “His canon ‘gainst self-slaughter!” (I ii 132). Even though he doesn’t want to live anymore and is thinking about suicide he thinks about it and realizes that he can’t kill himself because it is a sin. No matter how depressed and how much he doesn’t want to live, he still considers whether it is a good thing or bad thing to do. Aside from Hamlet’s depression, he shows that he is very determined and brave. He shows his bravery when goes to talk to the ghost, “I’ll make a ghost of him that lets me; I say, away! Go on; I’ll follow thee” (I iv 84-85). Hamlet tells the others this and says that even if the ghost tries to walk away he will follow till he speaks. Hamlet won’t back down and no matter how much the ghost scares him he will still try and get him to tell him what he wants. He shows determination, “It will not speak then will I follow it” (I iv 62). This quote is very similar to bravery but shows that he

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