Thomas Paine Justify The Pursuit Of Independence Analysis

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How does Paine justify the pursuit of American Independence? • Thomas Paine, Common Sense (1776) Thomas Paine cites April 1775, the massacre at Lexington, as the singular moment in American history when he no longer saw reconcilement as a conceivable option. In quoting Milton, Paine agrees that ‘never can true reconcilement grow where wounds of hate have pierced so deep.’ Primarily, Paine concludes that it would be cowardly beyond compare to reconcile with a country that brought ‘fire and sword’ to America. However, in addition to this moral objection, Paine argues that there is not ‘a single advantage’ of being connected with Great Britain. Largely Paine sees America’s separation from Britain as a natural progression and something that is inevitable. One common theory at the time was that as Americans were descended predominantly from the British, a reconcilement is not only appropriate but also right. Furthermore as America has, until now, supposedly flourished under the guidance of Britain, this relationship ought to continue. Paine compares America to a child; the simple fact that a child initially thrives on milk does not mean…show more content…
Starting with the much-revered English Constitution, Paine presents it as outdated and convoluted. Paine’s largest grievance, however, is with the entire concept of an absolute monarchy, claiming it to be against both nature and scripture. In quoting the scriptures, Paine is able to justify pursuing American Independence and the struggle for a Republic by presenting monarchical rule as ungodly. The exaltation and ‘worship’ of one man above others is, in Paine’s opinion, an ‘idolatrous custom of the Heathens’ and in contradiction to the Bible. Paine also states that hereditary succession inevitably opens the door to the foolish and the wicked and so must be oppressive in its
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