There Will Come Soft Rains Bibliographic Essays

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Hicks, Jennifer. “An Overview of There Will Come Soft Rains.” Short Stories for Students. Detroit: Michigan, 1997. 228-241. Gale. Web. 27 Mar. 2013. Jennifer Hicks analyzes the imagery and juxtaposition that Ray Bradbury uses to portray the negative ways that humanity and technology are compared to nature. She describes human tendencies to be destructive towards each other through technology and machinery and towards nature because of “the loss of human values to the ease that machines create” (Hicks 2). Hicks also explains that the “juxtaposition of unrelated images” (2) reveals that the seemingly beneficial aspects of technology might not have the positive effect that is expected. According to Hicks, Bradbury has an obvious “preference for nature” (2) over technology. Her arguments prove Bradbury’s fear that mankind's technological abilities along with their desire for knowledge will lead to their eventual destruction. Hick’s comparisons of the relationship between nature, humankind, and technology will be relevant to my argument that mankind’s technological advances will lead to their demise and that nature will prevail even after this destruction. I will examine mankind’s destructive actions that come as a result of the usage of technology, where the mechanical house represents the sophistication of humankind’s machines, but this same sophistication leads to their downfall when applied to nuclear weapons. Even after mankind’s technology destroys its creators, nature remains, and proves it is stronger than mankind and his creations when it eventually destroys the last vestiges of human life left by burning down the last mechanical house. Hick’s examination of the negative effects nature, technology, and mankind have on each other will support my claim that nature prevails even after technology’s demise, and that technology prevails even after humankind’s
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