The Use Of Steroids In Baseball

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Steroids and legal muscle enhancers today have had a big impact on people, sports, the Olympics and other activities. Steroids are illegal substances, which increase your muscle size, and increase your body physically to perform at top notch level. The most known steroid issue to date is in baseball, with Barry Bonds. The reason Bonds is such a big deal right now is because of the records he is chasing and the records he has already broken. Barry Bonds and other athletes have been accused of using illegal steroids to help themselves boost their statistics, and ability to play the game better. These accusations all came about after a book was written about Bonds and other athletes called, “Game of Shadows,” which talks about how athletes were…show more content…
Athletes believe legal muscle enhancers should be allowed because they are sold in everyday stores. Not only are they sold in legal places of business but the government permits them to be legal and able to use. Using steroids should be outlawed all together. Possessing legal muscle enhancers is something no one can get in trouble for. Some of baseball members, and there fans believe that using these muscle enhancers and steroids will ruin the game of baseball forever. This making it a home run hitting contest everyday, instead of the classic small ball plays used back in the day. The problem stands with the current investigation being handled. The league will have a hard time penalizing Bonds or any other athlete for steroid use if he has used illegal steroids before September, 2003, which is when Major League Baseball set up its drug policy (News services. Chicago Tribune. Chicago, Ill.: Mar 30, 2006 copyright 2006 by The Chicago…show more content…
Sports athletes are probably saying why are they aloud to use enhancers but not us? Johnny Stewart, a professional body builder, who has won numerous body building competitions, used this legal steroid called spray flex. The inventor of spray flex, Larry Pepe, gave Johnny the sprayflex, and told him it was legal. Within a few weeks Johnny called Larry to reassure that spray flex was legal because it was such a great product. This is much safer than illegal enhancer, and it is tested to be safe and legal. The problem is that many people even though this is legal, still think this is bad and illegal because of the results that are shown with some of these guys. But remember this is what they do for a living work out everyday. And have perfect bodies. This doesn’t mean athletes should be alright to use them, if they are going to allow legal enhancers their should be an extremely strict limit on the kind they can take and how much they can take. This information from ( On this website there was no information on who kept it going or anything of that sort, it looks as though the site was kept up by the bodybuilders. The problem with using illegal muscle enhancers is as well obvious is it as common sense: they are illegal and dangerous. They cause horrendous, dangerous health problems, and they
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