The Stroop Effect and Reation Time

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The Stroop Effect and Reaction Time Johanna F. Hermida Florida Atlantic University Abstract We are looking to why the process of reading congruent stimuli can be facilitated by automatic process or interfered by it. The purpose of this experiment is to study the reaction time that the participants take to complete each task by replicating the previously carried out Stroop Effect by using numbers. 118 students taking a psychology class participated in the experiment. Participants were presented with 4 Stroop experiment task sheet which consists of four parts which was the control, neutral, congruent and incongruent conditions; what we are measuring is the reaction time that the participants take to complete the task, by manipulating the 4 conditions. Time was taken and recorded for each participant to say out the number of signs in the control condition and to say out the number of numbers in the neutral, congruent and incongruent conditions. Results showed that participants took significantly longer time to complete the incongruent condition than in the congruent condition, and they also took longer time to complete the congruent condition than the neutral condition. This corresponds to the earlier research carried out by Stroop (1935). The Stroop Effect and Reaction Time Many psychologists in the past have wondered how the automatic process like reading can be facilitated depending on the characteristic of the stimuli that is used in the reading like pictures or colors. These stimuli can be used to have a better understanding of what the reading is about. Sometimes when we read the process itself becomes automatic because we do not have to even see the word and think about its meaning, for instance the word mom; we immediately assimilate with the picture of a loving female person. However, sometimes when you are trying to concentrate on a reading there is

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