The Schwa Was Here Epilogue

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Epilogue The Schwa was a mysterious man. I attempted to mail him back but I could never make contact. Lexie was sent away to the “Institution” that her parents and Mr. Crawley spoke of. Howie and Ira hated working for Mr. Crawley. But he too kept them working by force. The same way he threatened me, threatening their parent’s jobs. My parents were happy running their on European-Clash restaurant. I touched on the topic with Mr. Crawley a few times, but he never let me finish. Mr. Crawley’s hip healed, but with a cost. He kept saying that it was my entire fault, and that it never would have happened if Lexie and I didn’t take him on the helicopter ride. The doctors made him take a pain relief pill for his hip… He didn’t like it. So guess what he did? Yes, he had them fired. Just like that. Two of the best doctors in the country, fired, just like that. It always interests me on how he gets these people fired. I mean does he have jobs at every corporation, does he know people high up. Or does he just threaten their jobs too. It makes me wonder… No one believes me when I tell them that I was the one who started putting the “Ə” symbols all over the place. But hey, I don’t care as long as my message is getting out… “The Schwa Was Here” it didn’t matter. My sister has also started putting the symbols all over her stuff. It makes me wonder, “Did I really start this?” Questions I cannot answer. However whenever I see one I’ll remember whether or not I drew it. And then I will know if I was the one to start it. I don’t know how but got a letter one day from Lexie. She must have bypassed the “Institution’s” security. It read… Dear Ansty, If you are reading this then you probably realized that I’m not in an “Institution” after all. In fact my parents sent me to Hawaii and shoved me in a beach resort with my cousin Brawley. And guess what,

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