The Role of the Nurse in Child Passenger Safety

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The role of the Nurse in Child Passenger Safety

Josceline Rodriguez
NUR 101

Improper use of child passenger safety restraints in motor vehicles is the #1 killer of infants and toddlers in our country. When the restraint “does not fit or is used incorrectly, there is an increased risk of abdominal, spinal cord, and head injuries” (O’Neil MD, Joseph, et al. 2012 p. 246). The article I chose from the Journal of Trauma Nursing focuses on the misuse of booster seats, which are ideally recommended for children who have outgrown their forward facing restraints but have still not reached the adequate height for a proper seat belt fit. When a child hasn’t reached the recommended height limits and is allowed to travel in the vehicle without a booster, many inadequate situations may occur that can endanger his/her life; these include slouching or moving the shoulder strap behind their back or under their arm for comfort (O’Neil MD, Joseph, et al. 2012). The purpose of this peer reviewed article was to present us with a case study of the injuries of a5 year old boy who was improperly restrained (and who shouldn’t have been in a booster seat) and how the trauma led to pronouncing him brain dead. The safety implication of this article and the role a nurse has in actively preventing such tragedies is through education of their patients. Trauma nurses can provide information on proper use after an incident, but it is L&D nurses, NICU nurses, and pediatric nurses who can truly educate and influence parents in the proper use of child passenger safety devices. Upon discharge from delivery of my son just two years ago, the hospital failed to provide any information on proper safety, nor did any nurse take the time to educate me on proper use of our seat and to make sure my son was properly restrained. It is unfortunate to learn of all the instances where a

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