The Rivalry Between the French and British over the North American Continent.

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the rivalry between the French and British over the North American continent. What were the differences between the French and English Colonization policies? Discuss the four wars fought between the French and British to attempt to dominate the continent? What was the status of their relationship by 1763? While the English colonies were growing rapidly along the Atlantic seaboard, French fur traders and explorers were venturing deep into the heart of North America. It could be only a matter of time before the rivalries between France and England elsewhere in the world would be sharply reflected in a final struggle for the ownership of the North American continent. the primary differences between the French and English Colonization policies are the following: the French colonies treated the natives with great diplomacy, whereas the British colonies treated the natives as savages and lesser creatures. The French approach to colonization was based on integrating its colonial people into a “Greater France" through cultural assimilation and administrative centralization. on the other hand, British Indirect rule was a system where external military and tax control was operated by the British, while almost every other aspect of life was left to local pre-colonial aristocracies who had sided with the British during the conquest. The first two wars, known in America as King William's War and Queen Anne's War, pitted British colonials against French and their Indian allies. King William’s War turned partly on competition for the fur trade. The war played out in a series of costly but inconclusive skirmishes. Queen Anne’s War (1702–1713) was fought to determine who would be the Spanish monarch. Spain’s alliance with France meant that native peoples in Spanish and French zones of North America would come into conflict with those living under British influence. The War

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