The Pink Dolphin

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The Pink Dolphin Pink Dolphins are beautiful animals because of their shiny, smooth, soft, pink skin. These animals are very soft swimmers, they can glide smoothly just above the surface of water. Pink Dolphins have only1 predator, human beings! Because of humans, these river animals are slowly making their way towards the endangered list. Now let’s see how they live their extraordinary, wild life. While swimming in the rivers, pink dolphins stand out from their bold color, and sharp minds. These mammals are very different it is said that they feel like “blubbered-filled balloons” (National Geographic for Kids) Pink Dolphins also sound like they are saying “we woo.” or “we too.” (Pink Dolphins) and lastly, unlike other dolphins the pink dolphin has a curved shaped fin to help it glide threw the water easier. Some freaky facts about these river animals is that their brain is 40% bigger than a human brain, they have all 5 senses, and 2 hemispheres! Exactly like humans! That describes how the dolphins adapt to its surroundings. Pink dolphins live in only 1 river, the Amazon River, they live in the Amazon River so that they can catch their food easier, and it is also much easier to breathe air. The pink dolphin is a freshwater animal, and the Amazon River is a freshwater river. The pink dolphins’ life cycle has a big impact on their family structure, and the average life span is 60-66 years. Due to pollution the dolphins are living to be 15 years or less. The dolphins aren’t born pink, they are born pitch black! Then when the calves start growing, the black starts to fade away, it goes from black, to gray, to white, and then permanent pink. The newborn stay with their mother until they are 6 years old, to learn the necessary skills for survival. The mothers make sure that the babies fall asleep before they do. In addition, the mothers hardly ever sleep due to

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