The Old Man and the Sea: Courage

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I feel that having or showing courage should be the epitome of today’s society. Santiago from The Old Man and the Sea showed a large amount of courage all throughout his journey. Nothing, not even the sharks scared him from getting to his fish. We should not be afraid of what society thinks of us, we need the courage to do what we think is right. Courage comes in all different forms from small everyday acts or maybe more on the grand scale, something you would be remembered for. To do something courageous would be to do something that frightens us, or something we would not normally think of doing. Naturally we are self-protecting, so I believe that we need the power of god to act courageously. I believe this to be called Christian Courage. I believe as a Christian I need to stand firm if others accuse me of following Jesus when it is not convenient, or safe. This requires courage especially because it is so easy to deny him. Examples of courage for everyone in our society would be to stand up for yourself or others being bullied, leaving an abusive relationship, turn down temptations such as drugs or cigarettes, or even learning how to drive. Harriet Tubman was a “conductor” of the Underground Railroad in the 1850’s, freeing slaves from the South. She also served as a scout, spy, and nurse during the Civil War. What she did required enormous amounts of courage, going back to the South at least 19 times after escaping herself. "I always tole God, 'I'm gwine [going] to hole stiddy on you, an' you've got to see me through,” is one of her famous quotes. She said she would listen carefully to the voice of God when she was leading the slaves north, and she would only go where she felt God was Americans escape slavery, risking her life a countless amount of times, to do what she felt was right as an abolitionist and a former slave. Santiago from, The Old Man and

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