The Old Man And The Sea

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The Old Man and the Sea “Fish, I’ll stay with you until I am dead” (Hemingway 52). The old man really had a love for the sea. Catching fish was exhilarating and made him happy. The old man at sea believed the life at sea was the best life there was; it made him feel young and at home. He had a deep connection with the sea that made him feel at peace within himself, even through the difficult trials he went through. Selecting the life of a fisherman, he was poor. Being poor did not seem to faze him. He never once complained that he did not have a pillow to sleep on or food to eat. He survives off of fishing. He survives emotionally, physically, and mentally. The trial and error of being a fisherman keeps him alive. It keeps his emotions stirring so he does not become a bitter old man. Physically the sea has beaten him up but they are battle wounds. “… and his hands had the deep-creased scars from handling heavy fish on the cords. But none of these scars were fresh. They were as old as erosions in a fishless desert” (Hemingway 10). They help him remember all his experiences while fishing and have made great stories for him to tell the boy. Mentally, he is stable even though he is very forgetful. He is not a materialistic man, obviously. He finds joy in the little things of life. Living in a shack next to the sea with the boy not living too far away from him is alright for him. He does not stress the treasures of life because his treasures are in the sea, and therefore he was at peace. The old man is truly young at heart, once looking past all the elements he has as an old man. He does not care that he is old or if his body is weak, he still fishes. During one of his fishing trips he really wanted the boy to tag along, but the boy’s father did not think it was necessary for him to, which saddened the old man because the boy was the one who made him feel young.

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