The Maintenance Of Power In Fascist Italy

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Theories and Perspectives in Twentieth Century Totalitarian Regimes Discuss Competing Perspectives On The Maintenance of Power in One or More 20th Century Totalitarian Regimes This essay will examine the maintenance of power in fascist Italy after the October 1922 ‘March on Rome’.Benito Mussolini’s political assertiveness and opportunism had helped him capitalise on the fear of a socially complex and politically divided Italy. This essay will explore the measures he and his party took to reign in Italy’s economic and social instabilities, and how he literally disposed of the country’s political divisions. Theseactions would see his fascist party, The PNF, become the first Totalitarian Regime, and the model from which later regimes would be established. I will make comparative analysisof,and identify parallels between Mussolini’s PNF and Adolf Hitler’s Nazi party in Germany and I will deliberate competing perspectives on the function and viability of the economic, political and social programmes and policies of the party. I will use quantative data where possible to give me a better insightinto both the competing academic perspectives and the influence and effectiveness of the regimes endeavours, which will go towards helpingmeformulate as informed a conclusion of my own as possible. Since the unification of Italy in 1870, the continual failings of liberal governments had seen Italy divided. Whereas the rise of National Socialism in Germany had been more of a direct result of the treaty of Versailles, the rise of Benito Mussolini's PNF was a more multi-faceted turn of events. The continual failings of liberal governments had seen Italy
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