The Key for Effective Stress Management: Importance of Responsive Leadership in Organizational Development

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Abstract The Key for Effective Stress Management: Importance of Responsive Leadership in Organizational Development With the current environmental turmoil that is forcing rather dramatic organizational changes today, stress has become a particularly important issue with which responsive leaders are being called upon to deal. The purpose of the present treatise is to address the nature of stress, the causes of stress, the importance of The Key for effective leadership in this undertaking---and value of The Key in contemporary organizational development. The opening analogy John R. Darling of the leadership perspective of Aristotle will be used Victor L. Heller in helping to focus on the need for successful leaders to “be a very great many” in the process of effective organizational stress management. John R. Darling is a Distinguished Visiting Professor of Management, TheUniversity of Texas at San Antonio; and concurrently a DistinguishedVisiting Professor of International Business, Aalto University School ofBusiness, Finland. He has served as an administrator and/or professor atvarious US and foreign universities, and is the author of 12 books andmonographs, and over 250 journal articles. He has also served as aconsultant to such US firms as Texas Instruments, AT&T, Citi Bank, PizzaHut, Holiday Inns, Marriott, and Delta Airlines; and several foreignbusiness firms. The Key with which a leader communicates with employees and other individuals resides in the thoughts and feelings that are based upon his attitudes. Due to the fact that potential stressful issues and events arise only when one’s thoughts and feelings label them as such, The Key therefore becomes a very important element in effective stress management. The self-perception, purpose, internal power versus external force, and adaptive skills and strategies of effective leaders are also addressed.

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