“the Importance of Private Consumption for a Sustainable Future”

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Importance of Private Consumption for a Sustainable Future According to business terms, private consumption is defined as, “the value of the consumption goods and services acquired and consumed by households.” As such, private consumption is greatly related to sustainable consumption and development. Sustainable development implies the actions by which the masses fulfill their demands and ameliorate their quality of life in the present while protecting the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. This concept takes in its stride environmental as well as social factors that influence the goal of achieving sustainable development. For the multitude, a better tone of life means a higher monetary standard of living, usually measured in terms of financial gain level and uses of resources and technology. Underlying in the concept of sustainable development is the rationale of fairness: in order to achieve economic and environmental goals, social goals – such as universal access to education, health care and economic opportunity – must also be achieved. At any level of growth, man's impact on the surroundings is a function of population size, per economic consumption and the environmental damage caused by the technology used to produce what is consumed. To put things in perspective, most developed countries (which statistically speaking comprises of twenty percent) of the overall private consumption are directly related to a whooping eighty six percent. The rest of the world which falls under the category of the underdeveloped population, account for the mere 1.3%. Furthermore, the richer side of the population accounts for 53% of the total carbon dioxide emissions produced in the world. This goes on to show that for every child born in the rich section of society the level of consumptions and pollution increases to the equivalence of 30 or 50 children

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